Month: February 2014


Demand and Supply

By Samuel Magondu Some time ago, I saw on Facebook this quote: “Jesus loves you. I don’t know why.” It was meant to be a joke. And back then I found it funny. That’s because I didn’t understand God’s love. For truth be told, not many of us are truly loveable. I’m sure all of […]

Why Cause Grief?

Pastors make an easy target for criticism. Every week they are on display, carefully explaining God’s Word, challenging us toward Christlike living. But sometimes we look to find things to criticize. It’s easy to overlook all the good things a pastor does and focus on our personal opinions.

the fruit of suffering

How are you doing now?” my friend asked as we walked down the path. The last time Adrian and I had spoken, I had told him that my wife and I were not able to have children and the pain this had brought us.

The Great Creator-Healer

A few years ago, I had a rather serious skiing accident and severely tore the muscles in one of my legs. In fact, my doctor told me that the tear caused excessive bleeding. The healing process was slow, but during that time of waiting I found myself in awe of our great Creator (see Col. 1:16).

in our hearts

After observing the warm fellowship of believers in Jesus, this was the reaction of the unbelieving Greek writer Lucian (AD 120–200): “It is incredible to see the fervor with which the people of that religion help each other in their wants. They spare nothing. Their first legislator [Jesus] has put it in their heads that they are brethren.” Near the same time that Lucian wrote, Tertullian affirmed: “It is our care for the helpless, our practice of lovingkindness, that brands us in the eyes of many of our opponents. ‘Only look!’ they say. ‘Look how they love one another! Look how they are prepared to die for one another.’ ”

How embracing God’s love can radically change how we live

We may have heard the extent of God’s love for us. But to truly accept the awesome fact that we are loved by the God of the universe can be a stretch!

Destructive choices give way to a metamorphosis in Christ–Joe’s Story

No matter what you’ve done, or where you’ve been, there’s hope available to you through Jesus Christ! As a drug addict, dealer, and criminal, Joe wanted something more than the life he was living. Find out how he found true freedom through a personal relationship with God.

love like this

When my son was learning to read, he realized he could decipher street signs—especially speed limit signs. Thrilled with his new skill, he would call out from the backseat, “Mom, the speed limit is 30—it’s 30!” The first couple of times this happened, I thought it was cute. The next few times, I found it tolerable. Each announcement after that became more trying, even though I knew he was attempting to be helpful.

First Love

By Sheryl Tay I remember when I had my first crush. It was heart-racing, pulse-throbbing, and I got all fidgety every time I saw him around. And this was no different from all the other subsequent crushes and infatuations I have had. No doubt, as I grew older (and hopefully more mature), I started to […]

Character Or Reputation?

Legendary basketball coach John Wooden (1910–2010) believed that character is far more important than reputation. “Your reputation is what you’re perceived to be by others,” Coach Wooden often told his players, “but your character is what you really are. You’re the only one that knows your character. You can fool others, but you can’t fool yourself.”

A loving perspective on God’s expectations for you

She did what she could. Five simple words from the mouth of Jesus that contain a wealth of encouragement and insight for us today! Let's reveal the freedom contained in this brief verse in Mark 14.

the sustaining Word

Nine weeks into my first pregnancy, I started bleeding. The fear of losing our baby gripped my heart so tightly that I could barely breathe. That night, as I frantically searched the Scriptures to find some comfort, I opened my Bible to Genesis 26:24 (MSG): “That very night God appeared to him and said, I am the God of Abraham your father; don’t fear a thing because I’m with you. I’ll bless you and make your children flourish.” These few words calmed my panicked heart, and I slept peacefully.


Sculptors have a term for the artist’s ability to look at a rough piece of stone and see it in its final, perfected form. It is called “hyperseeing.”

Gutzon Borglum (1867–1941) is the sculptor who created many well-known public works of art. Probably the most famous is Mt. Rushmore National Memorial in South Dakota. Borglum’s housekeeper captured the concept of hyperseeing when she gazed up at the massive faces of the four US presidents on Mt. Rushmore for the first time. “Mr. Borglum,” she gasped, “how did you know Mr. Lincoln was in that rock?”

Why simply loving the Lord with who we are and what we have, is all God asks

Ever feel like even the best you could do is never enough? That you’ll never meet the expectations placed on you? More from our study in Mark, chapter 14.


John started his new job. When he got his first check at the end of the month, he wanted to celebrate by buying my lunch for me. During our meal, he told me that his first paycheck was his “firstfruits.” With a grateful heart, he wanted to give a significant portion of it back to God.

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